
  • Ansible node: a Linux machine to run ansible (able to run in WSL or Docker but it’s not recommended)
  • K8s nodes:
    • Master nodes: 4GB RAM is recommended (2GB RAM will cause very low performance)
    • Worker nodes: can start with 1CPU and 2GB RAM

You can setup a K8S cluster with only 1 node: master + worker (+ ansible)

Installation steps

Setup environments

  • SSH connection: Ansible connects nodes over SSH, so the easy way is create the same user with public ssh key on all K8s nodes. You should use a golden image or template to create K8s nodes:
    • Launch template or ARM template if you use cloud provider such as AWS, Azure
    • VM template with on-premise hypervisor (Vshpere, Hyper-V, Citrix, ..)
    • Cloud-init 🠈 I used this option, check this post Create Proxmox VM with Terraform (Cooming soon)
  • Setup Kubespray: Install ansible and clone Kubespray repo

Prepare inventory

Static inventory
  • You can use existing inventory file /inventory/local/hosts.ini to setup a “Single node cluster” Local inventory
  • Make a copy of sample inventory folder Mycluster inventory

To get much information, visit these links: Kubespray inventory and Configurable Parameters in Kubespray

The inventory is composed of 3 groups:

  • kube_node : list of kubernetes nodes where the pods will run.
  • kube_control_plane : list of servers where kubernetes control plane components (apiserver, scheduler, controller) will run.
  • etcd: list of servers to compose the etcd server. You should have at least 3 servers for failover purpose.

Addressing variables

  • ip - IP to use for binding services (host var)
  • access_ip - IP for other hosts to use to connect to. Often required when deploying from a cloud, such as OpenStack or GCE and you have separate public/floating and private IPs.
  • ansible_default_ipv4.address - Not Kubespray-specific, but it is used if ip and access_ip are undefined
Dynamic inventory
  • Inventory plugins are developed in Python, and there are many available plugins . Examples:
    • – EC2 inventory source
      • Todo
    • community.general.proxmox – Proxmox inventory source
      • Todo
  • Inventory scripts allow users to use other programming languages.
  • Developing dynamic inventory

Configure cluster

There are many Configurable Parameters in Kubespray. You can find yaml files in folder inventory/mycluster/group_vars Local inventory

There are some custom parameters I usually use


kube_version: v1.25.5
kube_network_plugin: calico
kubeconfig_localhost: true 
auto_renew_certificates: true


metrics_server_enabled: true
ingress_nginx_enabled: true
argocd_enabled: true

Deploy K8s cluster

Run ansible-playbook command to deploy your cluster.

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml  --become --become-user=root cluster.yml
After deployment, you can use admin.conf file to manage cluster with kubect command. Cluster config file
